Mighty Magnesium: Are you getting enough of this essential mineral?

Next to our star collagen supplement, Colvita, Magnesium Complex is almost as popular -- and for good reason.

Magnesium is considered an essential mineral, one of seven macro-minerals the human body requires. However, because the body cannot naturally produce magnesium -- you must obtain it from dietary sources and supplementation.

Naturel Collagen's Magnesium Complex is not simply a health food store supplement. It is utterly unique due to its pristine ingredients and unmatched formula. Composed of not one, but three highly absorbable, superior forms of magnesium; magnesium lactate, magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate (chelate), as well as vitamin B6, which assists with absorption and transporting the magnesium to where it is needed most -- within the cells of the body.

Magnesium plays a leading role in many of the body’s most vital functions. It is involved in more than 300 enzyme-related, chemical reactions in the body and functions as an electrolyte, along with calcium, potassium, and sodium. The small intestine takes on the bulk of the absorption, and the rest is stored in the body. According to Harvard Health, “Muscles need this mineral [magnesium] to contract; nerves need it to send and receive messages. It keeps your heart beating steadily and your immune system strong.”

Yet, research indicates that magnesium deficiency is common among adults. One study estimates that between 56 and 68 percent of Americans do not acquire enough magnesium through their diet to meet the recommended daily allotment. Women in particular are more susceptible to deficiency -- and the risk factor is known to increase with age.

Have you ever wondered if you would benefit from taking a magnesium supplement? Here are some science-based “facts and stats” regarding just a few of magnesium’s outstanding health benefits:

Improved quality of sleep

You need magnesium to maintain healthy energy levels so it is not surprising that insomnia is a known symptom associated with low-levels of magnesium. Magnesium helps calm the nerves and relax the muscles by sustaining healthy levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), a neurotransmitter that helps prompt sleep. The sleep hormone melatonin is also regulated by magnesium, which contributes to a healthy sleep-wake cycle. Further evidence shows that magnesium also helps with those who suffer from restless-leg syndrome while sleeping.

Better bone health

Interesting fact: 60 percent of your body’s magnesium in located in your bones, while the rest resides in muscles and non-muscular soft tissue. Therefore, healthy magnesium levels contribute to greater bone density and osteoporosis prevention. Naturel Collagen founder, Jacqui D. can attest to this -- her family doctor was perplexed by the fact that her bone density readings have increased over the last few years. Jacqui attributes her healthy bones to consistent Colvita collagen supplementation and daily doses of Magnesium Complex.)

Mood regulation and anxiety relief

There is a wealth of research linking magnesium to the body’s stress-response system. As mentioned above, magnesium increases GABA -- the body’s calming neurotransmitter that also helps produce the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, serotonin. If you are low on magnesium -- you may be more apt to heightened stress responses and mood swings. Magnesium supplementation has also been associated with improved mental health and alleviating symptoms of depression.

Enhanced cardiovascular health

Magnesium is needed to normalize proper muscle functioning -- which also includes the body’s most vital muscle of all -- the heart. Magnesium steps up to help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol production, as well as prevent hypertension and decrease your risk of cardiovascular related disease.

Brain booster

Brain fog? Magnesium can help. MIT researchers discovered that magnesium works to maintain brain receptors responsible for memory function. Magnesium supplementation is also believed to combat cognitive decline by supporting neuroplasticity processes.

Help with PMS

According to recent research, magnesium can deliver relief from premenstrual symptoms, including bloating, mood swings, and anxiety.

The importance of this mighty mineral often goes overlooked. Order a box of Magnesium Complex today!


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